Intersection (Compagnie Balagan) is an excellent example of the genre that has been co-created by Le Tron, Heim, Didier Laloy, Wim Claeys, and their compatriots in Accordion Samurai. Two accordéons accompanying each other. Interweaving melodies and counter melodies. Extended harmonies. Virtuosic performance. Very rhythmic with much syncopation. A fascination for odd meters, sevens and fives. It sounds like it's French, at times rural, at times Parisian ... with some Hot Jazz happening. Yes, that's swing. It sounds like it's Balkan, with those wonderful meters and scales and melodies. For some reason it's associated strongly with Belgium. An intersection? A crossroads? Pan-European? This isn't "more-eclectic-than-thou" post-modernism. Out of this many, come one voice from two men. Heim and Le Tron are very good at this.