Chris Wood: None the Wiser

This is the first time in 135 posts that I've written  about a subject that has absolutely no accordéon content at all, but I trust my readers will not accuse me of breaking our implicit contract or breaching some sort of squeezebox point of etiquette.

The fact of the matter is that Chris Wood has released a new recording, None the Wiser, and it has come to dominate my every waking moment. If you don't know -- and even if you do know -- Wood is a highly regarded English folk musician and songwriter.  On the current recording he centers the groups sound around a sort of baritone urge (his wonderful voice), and the featured instruments are his guitar, upright bass, and hammond organ.  Yes, that's what I said!  Wondrous!

I urge you to seek it out (it's available on Bandcamp now). It will vastly increase the probability of your having a great day. It will improve your quality of life.

ASIDE: You may remember Andy Cutting talking about Chris Wood in this post a few weeks ago.

Here's Chris talking about the new recording:

UPDATE:  Novelist Tom Brown wrote about None the Wiser, exploring the joys of instant Bandcamp access.  Read that here.

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