In French music a scottish is not Scottish, and it's not a schottische (however you want to spell that). A scottish is a mid-tempo four-four dance. I often think of these in the same light as mazurkas: medium tempo bits of goodness and light. The best one's have a nice sort of lopey feel. They're not usually technically demanding, and thus tend to be played too fast. Resist the temptation!
Tufty, a regular debator over on Mel.Net posted a link to a Breton scottish called Scottish du Pere Rouxel, one of my favorites, followed by Scottish Jaquot, which I'd never heard before. Great job there! Scottish du Pere Rouxel was a tune I learned from Dave Shepard's book of Breton tunes. Imagine this neophyte looking in a book of Breton tunes and seeing "scottish." Took me a while to sort that out.